Hi everyone... it certainly has been a long time since I have seen you all and I miss everybody greatly. I've had some wonderful messages and conversations over the last couple of months and don't forget we are all only a phone call/message/live chat away. (You all know I love a chat lol). Who would have thought 2020 would look like this? I truly hope you are all well and safe and in general 'doing OK'. This current situation has allowed me to finally get to things I just never have had time to do. I'm sure many of you can relate to this? Additionally, I have had space to sit back and reflect on what is really important in life. I suppose a life lesson for all has been thrown upon us. In saying that, I think it's fair to say we have all had to learn how to 'adapt' on a daily level. 'Online' I suppose has given us a 'Lifeline'. I have been exploring a few options for online classes. Of course there are many platforms out there such as Zoom, Google Hangouts, Houseparty, Snapchat and don't forget an oldie but a goodie... wait for it .... Skype ... lol Personally, I have been waiting for Zumba to release their own platform which is available to licensed instructors. Its' name is ZIN Studio (ZIN stands for Zumba Instructor Network). We are so fortunate that Zumba Home Office has established this platform for us. There will be continual upgrades to this platform and the first version release allows me to pre-record classes for you utilising the list of 500 Zumba songs that must only be used on this platform. From an administrator's perspective, I like the way this platform protects the instructor and their networks. Having said that, in these 'trying' times, technology does have some hiccups so I thank you for your patience in getting this off the ground. Hopefully there will be a live streaming option down the track. I am working on Zumba Fitness classes, Zumba Toning classes, Zumba Gold and Zumba Kids. Additionally, our wonderful instructor Julz, is uploading content for you as well with those details coming very soon. So if you are interested in checking this out, here are the details of our first trial class: Wed evening 22/4 - 6pm (30 min class - Zumba Fitness Class) You will need to click on above link (please note this is not a live streamed class) * As most of you have already emailed/contacted me you won't need to again but site may ask for you just to click 'contact' Kellie?? * Cost: FREE ie $0 You will be asked for a 'Class Code' This is your class code (for this class): b71e15 *PLEASE keep this class code private* From this point, you should have access to class video. If for some reason you don't have access straight away, don't panic... the link will be available with the above code for a couple of hours plus there will be more classes scheduled as I continue to upload content. If you are having any problems with any of this, please don't hesitate to contact me and I can go through it with you.
As always, I thank you so much for your continued support xoxoxo Kel AWWWWWWYEAHHHH!
AuthorMusical Instrument Sales Archives
December 2021
Trevor James Buffet Besson Roland Enrico Gliga Hohner Dixon Drumcraft Ashdown Gibralter Zoom Tycoon Percussion Shure Audio Gretsch Neotech Superslick Manhasset Barnhouse Queenwood Alfred Kjos Toca Rowloff Carl Fischer AMEB Behringer Fishman Gewa and so many more! |